Friday, November 25, 2011

Five Minute Friday - Grateful

I'm joining up with Lisa-Jo, The Gypsy Mama, for Five Minute Friday - a time to stop, drop and write.  Today, she asks us to give our best five minutes on:




She's watching me, listening.  Every step, every word.  Waiting to see how I respond.  Ready to take her queue, ready to imitate my every word, every action.  

What does she hear?  Does she hear her mommy giving thanks?  Does she hear me speaking words of love, life, gratitude, appreciation?  More importantly, does she see it?  Do my actions reflect my thanks, my attitude of gratitude?   Am I showing her how to be grateful?  Am I teaching her one of the most important lessons of life?  

More than words thrown around in November. More than a catch phrase on a Hallmark card. I'm talking about gratitude that runs through your veins, changes your vision, creates your perspective.  Does she know what it looks like? sounds like?  feels like?  To be grateful.  

Kids, they see through everything. They may not know the definition of sincerity but they can smell it from a mile away. I can talk about it, write post after post about it, but really she is my measuring stick, my litmus test.  Ultimately, her ability to be grateful will be the purest reflection of my own.  



  1. How true! It is what we do, not necessarily what we say, that matters. Our children are wonderful barometers of how we are doing in many areas of our lives. Thanks for the reminder

  2. I pray that I model gratitude to my children.

  3. Well said…though tough to think about sometimes! :) It sounds like you are doing splendidly.
    God bless--and aloha!

  4. Kim,
    Thank you for putting this in words and reminding me of the gift I have of raising our precious girls. You always inspire me:).

