Sunday, November 6, 2011

Finding Beauty

"Seek the wisdom of the ages, but look at the world through the eyes of a child."  
~ Ron Wild 

The other day, my girls and I went for a walk.  I brought my camera so my 3-year old could take pictures along the way.  It always amazes me.  She stops and appreciates the smallest things, sees things I don't see, teaches me how to slow down and notice the world around me.  I love seeing things through her eyes.  There is beauty and wonder and wisdom at every turn.  I hope you enjoy her pictures.  

She loved the way the sun was shining through the leaves.

Up close.

Loving the fall colors.

"Mommy, remember this tree was green just a few weeks ago.  Isn't that cool?"  

"Hey mom, hold this leaf so I can get a close-up."  

"Can you believe how tall these trees are?  I wonder when they'll stop growing."

Trying to get the perfect angle.

"I love the shape of these guys."  

"These look yummy but I don't think I should eat them."  

"Look!!  The sky is all blue. Perfect blue."  

"I want to live in this beautiful garden."

Handing over my camera is probably one of the best things I've done.  A simple walk around the block will never be the same.  I'm learning to stop, crouch down, look up, be aware, take it all in and see the world through the eyes of a child.  And I must say, the view from here is amazing.

Finding beauty,


  1. Like mommy... Like daughter... You are both amazing... You got a little mini you! Love the beautiful pictures!

  2. SO sweet! First of all, your daughter is amazing--just three?! Great pictures. My 7 yr. old has recently been doing the same thing--and it is so special.
    Second of all---FALL!! I do miss it and it sure looks pretty where you are. Enjoy it for me (And I'll enjoy Hawaii for you. :))

  3. Thanks, Robyn! xo

  4. Yes, she'll be 4 in a couple months. She is a sweetheart with an incredible eye for life.

    It has been an incredible fall. Cold, but dry and beautiful. Having lived in Hawaii all my life, I totally appreciate it and am taking it all in. But yes, enjoy the sun and the beach for me.

