Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 4 - Fun in the Sun

Started the morning off with a green smoothie (ran out of some juicing ingredients):  kale, romaine, spinach, banana, broccoli stems, ice and water.  Sorry picture is blurry.  I was blurry.  It was early.

Had a picnic lunch at the pool after my daughter's swim lesson.  For me:  Spinach with beets, kidney beans, broccoli, tomatoes, walnuts and almonds.  For her:  peanut butter jelly sandwich and cantaloupe (oh, and a strawberry smoothie for finally doing 10 "bobs" - dunking her whole body).   

After swimming we went to a birthday party.  So much fun in the sun with friends. And in case you are wondering, yes, I was strong.  I crunched on celery and watermelon while everyone else devoured birthday cake and ice cream.  Don't feel sorry for me.  The watermelon was really yummy.

We went to a vegetarian restaurant for dinner.  Ahhh, it's so nice when a menu has codes next to each item:  vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free.  It makes for easy ordering.  

Baked tempeh with garlic mashed potatoes and braised red cabbage.  The combination was surprisingly good.  This vacation is making me think and act outside of my comfort zone and it has been refreshing.

Old faithful:  Pad Thai - the gluten-free, vegan kind.  What a dinner!  Who said vegans can't have fun.  :)

Thoughts for the day:
1.  Change is exhilarating.
2.  There are good people everywhere - surround yourself with them.
3.  Give what you can:  time, money, love, friendship, compassion.  It's worth more when you give it away.


1 comment:

  1. I am SO proud of you! Day four and still going strong! AND, even at a birthday party! I am so weak, I would have gave in! LOL! Man, that pad thai looks ONO! Keep going. You are doing GREAT!! Love ya! <3
