Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Peas and Thank You

Cookbooks are my weakness.  I didn't realize it until I looked at the pile of books next to the side of my bed and half of them are, you guessed it, cookbooks.  I read them like novels.  Whenever I take my girls to the bookstore we take a quick detour so I can grab a handful of cookbooks - in the event they are both occupied and mom can steal a minute to peruse the latest must-try dish.   I don't want you to get the wrong idea.  I don't cook every night.  I'm no Giada.  I often find myself at 4:00 p.m. saying, "ugh, what should I make for dinner?."  Still, there is something about a good cookbook. They get me every time.  My youngest sister bought me not one, but two, for my birthday (Thanks, Lin).

A couple weeks ago I was rushing through Costco.  Of course, I had to speed through the book section just to see if there was anything I had to have.  Well, sure enough one book caught my eye.  The title and cover did it for me.  I didn't have time to skim so into the cart it went.  Lucky for me, both girls decided to nap at the same time that day so I had a few minutes of peace and quiet.  Holy moly!  Let me just tell you - I adore this book and adore Sarah, the author.  In fact, I sort of feel like we're soul sisters: we're both former attorneys turned stay-at-home moms, turned vegetarian/vegan, turned bloggers.  We both have 2 daughters and live in the great Pacific Northwest.  Seriously, she and I will have green smoothies one day, you just wait and see.  Oh, and she has really great recipes.  And fabulous stories that go along with each one.  She makes eating meat-free simple and fun.  Just my style.  

Check out Sarah's book or her blog, peasandthankyou.com for some fabulous recipes and a few laughs. I think you'll love her, too.  Gotta run, Cowgirl Cornbread just came out of the oven and Tempeh Chili is simmering on the stove.  Mmmmm...



  1. Maybe you'll publish a cookbook too someday!

  2. We are finally getting a Costco in another year... I lived in a town with one for 10 years and oh how I miss my Costco outings! I loved finding things just like this and am excited to check this one out!

  3. Hmmmm... you never know. That would be fun :)

  4. Wow, that'll be exciting for you all. Check it out and let me know what you think.
