Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Life in Numbers

Just for fun...

2 - amazing daughters
6 - months as a vegetarian
9 - years I've been married
10 - movies in my Netflix queue.
13 - the amount of books stacked up next to the side of my bed
20 - years I spent in school
22 - shots I've given myself in the thigh
25 - my last ESR (inflammation level).  That's a "high normal"!
45 - minutes I spend everyday on PT exercises
54 - the age I'll be when I pay off my student loans (Ya, I consolidated and opted for smaller payments.  Sounded like a good idea at the time.  I need to strike it rich.)
69 - the number of posts I have written since April 15th
10,500 +  Page views this blog has received (it still amazes me that people read this!  Thank you...)

If you want to add to my numbers, click on the blue Google "Join This Site" tab on the top left and follow along.  The more the merrier!

Thanks for reading...

1 comment:

  1. Fun numbers…I love that kind of thing! Thanks, and congrats…and way to go for it in November!
