If you're anything like me, April 22nd has come and gone for many years. While I always have good intentions, I have never done anything grand on Earth Day. Sure, my family and I recycle, occasionally compost, and do our part to use less and be green. Still, I wish I could say I planted a bunch of trees, organized masses of people for clean-up projects or drafted a bipartisan bill that would save the earth once and for all.
Isn't it funny that when we fail to do the "large" things, we often ignore, and ultimately fail, to do the small. But actually it's those small acts that really make a huge impact. And like so many things in life, those actions almost always begin at home.
The simple act of choosing nontoxic, earth friendly household products not only impacts your family's health, it also helps our planet. I have been using Shaklee cleaning products since the late 90's. In fact, I have been using Basic H longer than I have been married (and we're getting ready to celebrate our 10th anniversary!) For almost 60 years Shaklee has been a leader in environmental stewardship. Click here to read about their impressive environmental heritage.
From an environmental standpoint, switching from conventional cleaners to Shaklee's Get Clean Starter Kit eliminates 108 pounds of packaging waste from landfills and eliminates 248 pounds of greenhouse gases. This is the environmental equivalent of planting 10 trees.
From an economic point of view, you would need to spend over $3400 to get the same cleaning power as what you'll find in the Get Clean Starter kit. The products are highly concentrated, which means they last longer and ultimately save you money.
And as for your health, Get Clean products are nontoxic and natural and do not contain any harmful ingredients. In fact, did you know:
- Approximately 20 million Americans have asthma (including 1 out of every 13 school-aged children).
- Asthma rates in children under age 5 have increased 160% from 1980 to 1994.
- Common household cleaners give off fumes that can potentially increase the risk of children developing asthma.
- The average U.S. household generates more than 20 pounds of hazardous waste each year.
- Many household cleaning products are designated as hazardous waste by the EPA and improper disposal of these wastes can pollute the environment and pose a threat to human health.
Check out Shaklee CEO, Roger Barnett and his wife Sloan on Oprah (by the way, in 2007, Oprah gave away the Get Clean Starter Kit as one of her favorite things).
If you are interested in making a difference in your health, your home and our planet, click here to get your Get Clean Starter Kit today. The good news is that for the month of April, you will receive FREE membership ($19.95 value) with the purchase of any product. That means you will receive member pricing (15% off retail) and all the other benefits that come with Shaklee membership.
Please feel free to email me at kim@thriving365.com with any questions or leave a comment below.
Cheers to healthy homes, healthy families and a healthy planet!